Phoebe Vallapureddy
Outreach Chair
School: School of Engineering ’26
Instrument: Viola
Hometown: Doylestown, PA
Phoebe is a junior in SEAS studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Her first instrument was piano, and she picked up the viola in fourth grade as part of her school’s music program. The first viola she played on was only 11 inches! When not in the trenches of the engineering quad, Phoebe loves sleeping and taking long walks.

Justin Duong
School: College of Arts & Sciences ’27
Instrument: Viola
Hometown: Philadelphia, PA
Justin is a sophomore in the College double-majoring in Music and Physics. He plays violin, viola, and piano, and is an active composer. His favorite composer is Ravel, but shares a birthday with Mozart. When not doing music, he dreams of playing music anyway.

Nihar Ballamudi
School: College of Arts & Sciences ’27
Instrument: Viola
Hometown: Madison, WI
Nihar is a sophomore in the college studying Math. He stared playing Viola in 3rd grade. He likes to cook and engage in shenaniganry with his compatriots Justin and Svanik (the three musketeers). He likes Tchaikovsky a lot. Nihar can hold a pencil under his ear.

Sherry Du
School: School of Engineering ’28
Instrument: Violin
Hometown: Hudson, OH
Sherry is a freshman in SEAS studying Bioengineering. She started playing the violin when she was 4 and loves Prokofiev. Outside of music, she likes to golf and drink coffee.

Rayan Jawa
School: College of Arts & Sciences ’26
Instrument: Viola
Hometown: Holmdel, NJ
Rayan is a junior in the College studying Global Health. He starting playing the viola when he was 8 and his favorite composer is Schumann. He likes to listen to music and explore new places Though he was born in NJ, he grew up in LA.