Membership Bylaws of the University of Pennsylvania Band
Article I: Organizational Values
Section 1. This organization intends to uphold the mission and values of The University of Pennsylvania and its membership through its musical performance and service at athletic, university, and community events. Members shall adhere to the band’s mission of embodying the spirit of “All Things Red and Blue” and fostering a welcoming environment for its members and audiences alike, as outlined in Article I of its Constitution.
Article II: Definition of Membership
Section 1. To qualify as a member of the University of Pennsylvania Band, individuals must meet specific criteria as defined by the current Executive Board, including participation in events, payment of yearly dues, owning the band’s uniform, active participation in membership communications, and adherence to the Code of Conduct whenever participating in organizational activities, including meetings, rehearsal, performance, and travel. All new members shall automatically be considered active members for the term of their first semester.
All members will comply with policies and regulations of the University and its departments (e.g., Student Life policies, Athletic Department policies, the University’s Guidelines on Open Expression, Anti-Hazing Regulations, Drug and Alcohol Policies, Sexual Harassment Policy, etc.), as well as comply with federal, state and local laws.
Section 2. Members shall fall within two categories of membership: active and inactive members. At the commencement of each academic semester, the Executive Board shall designate the status of each member based on their attendance in the preceding semester. Inactive members may petition their status directly to the Executive Board; otherwise, this status shall persist until the beginning of the subsequent semester.
- Definition of active member: Active members are those who attend more than 20% of rehearsals and performances in a given semester.
- Active members shall be entitled to the following privileges:
- Priority at space-limited events
- Voting eligibility
- Eligibility to apply for the Fanfare Honor Society
- Eligibility to run for leadership positions
- Active members shall be entitled to the following privileges:
- Definition of inactive member: Inactive members are those who have attended less than 20% of the given events in a semester
- Inactive members shall not:
- Participate in any band travel
- Run for any Executive Board or Council offices
- Sign out any University property managed by the Band
- Inactive members shall not:
Section 3. Participation in the Penn Band is limited to members of the Penn community as outlined in the constitution.
Article III: Attendance
Section 1. As members of The University of Pennsylvania Band, attendance at events is expected. If unable to attend an event, members must notify the Executive Board. Any member with attendance below 20% will become an inactive member.
Article IV: Disciplinary Process
Section 1. Any member of the band found to be in violation of the guidelines provided by the code of conduct and/or the constitution of the University of Pennsylvania Band shall be subject to review by the Executive Board.
Review of a current student member of the Band is completed by the Band’s Executive Board (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Band Director, and Assistant Directors). Members who are put on membership review are to be notified, in writing, by the Executive
Board. While under membership review, a student member may be restricted from participating in formal Penn Band activities.
- The Executive Board shall provide, in writing, the reasons for which a member is being reviewed.
- The member under review will be allowed to respond to these concerns and is encouraged to not only address these concerns directly but also include rationale as to why they want to continue their membership in the Penn Band.
- This response may be provided in writing or may be presented in person to the Executive Board.
- The member under review should reply in writing about their preferred method for submitting their response.
- The Executive Board shall provide a date by which a response is expected, no sooner than three (3) days from notification of the membership concerns and no longer than seven (7) days from that date.
- If there is no response by the member under review, the Executive Board will move forward in determining a final decision about membership status without the input of the member in question.
The Executive Board shall host a closed discussion about the merits of the response submitted by the member under review. The Executive Board must achieve a 2⁄3 majority vote on the final determination about membership status. This may include, but is not exclusive to, a suspension in band activity for a defined period of time, restriction from participation in specific band events, or removal from the band in full.
The determination of the Executive Board will be provided in writing by the Band Director to the student under review within 72 hours of the Executive Board deliberation.
*This article cannot be modified without consultation with the Director of Performing Arts and the Director of Student Life.
Article V: 15-Hour Rule
Section 1. The organization has a contact hour limit of 15 hours per week for any students in the band, including rehearsals, performances, and leadership activities. To prevent any member from exceeding this weekly limit, Band leadership and University partners will work together to prioritize scheduling whenever necessary.
Article VI: Travel
Section 1. During the football season, there are no limits on the number of members that can attend home games. However, away games are space-limited and performance rosters will be made by the Executive Board.
For basketball season, there are no limits on the number of band members that can attend home games. The Ivy Conference Manual limits the number of band members attending away games to 25 band members. The members selected will be rostered by the Executive Board. Members available for travel but not rostered for away games are expected to attend concurrent home athletic events, if applicable.
Section 2. For all other performance events and opportunities, the Executive Board may roster both home and away games based on member availability, with priority given to active members with high attendance, instrumentation, service, and seniority. Final decisions regarding rosters shall be made by the Executive Board.
Section 3. Reasonable accommodations for participation by members with any special needs will always be made in line with University guidelines. However, members can only participate if they are in good health. In situations of physical ailment, transmissible illness, or other apparent medical issues, the Directors will request a letter from a medical professional/Student Health Services clearing the member for activities and travel.
Section 4. Travel is limited to current students, faculty, or staff.
Article VII: Amendments
Section 1. Any active member may propose an amendment to the bylaws. If the proposing member is not in a leadership position, a representative may present the amendment on their behalf. Proposed amendments shall be presented at the earliest council meeting and put to a vote if all members of the Council and the Executive Board are present. Ratification of an amendment requires a 2/3 majority vote.