The Constitution of the University of Pennsylvania Band
Article I: Organization
The name of this organization shall be the University of Pennsylvania Band (“The Penn Band”).
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to serve the University of Pennsylvania through its support of the University’s athletic teams and through its participation in non-athletic University and community events. The organization shall strive to uphold the name and reputation of the University. Its purpose is, moreover, to provide a social atmosphere in which the individual Band member’s experience at the University is made more meaningful and complete.
Article III: Membership
The membership of the Penn Band shall be open to all undergraduate and graduate students of the University of Pennsylvania (“Penn”), as well as any alumni of the University. At the end of each semester, the Executive Board shall determine which members of the Band are eligible to vote. To be eligible to vote for the fall semester, attendance is required at four (4) home football games and one-half of rehearsals, music or field, throughout the fall semester, unless the Executive Board announces a different attendance level. To be eligible to vote for the spring semester, attendance is required at seven (7) Ivy League basketball games and one-half of rehearsals throughout the spring semester, unless the Executive Board announces a different attendance level. The Executive Board shall announce the number of rehearsals constituting “one-half” no later than October 1 for the fall semester and February 20 for the spring semester. Voting eligibility applies to the entire semester after which a member meets the eligibility requirements. Eligible members can vote to elect Executive Board members, to remove Executive Board members, and to ratify amendments to the Constitution. Individuals who do not meet the eligibility requirements have the right to petition the Executive Board for eligibility. Petitions should reflect dedication to the Band. Petitions shall be approved on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Executive Board. Members who are ineligible to vote are otherwise entitled to participate in Band activities.
Article IV: Leadership
Section A: The Executive Board
- Composition: The Executive Board (“the Board”) shall be comprised of the following four (4) duly elected officers: the President, the Vice President, the Treasurer, and the Secretary. The Board shall also consist of the Director, appointed by the University of Pennsylvania administration, and, if one exists, the Assistant Director or Assistant Directors, appointed by the Director.
- Election Process:
- Elections for the Executive Board shall be held no later than two (2) weeks following completion of the football season. Any Penn undergraduate eligible to vote in Penn Band elections who wishes to run for office must declare their intentions to the Secretary prior to elections. Members may also be nominated from the floor at the time of elections. Officers shall be elected by separate ballots in the following order: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary. All eligible members present must vote or submit a ballot indicating abstention. If there is more than one candidate for a position, voting for that position shall commence by secret ballot following candidate speeches and a question-and-answer session between candidates and voting members. Candidates for the position of President may speak for up to four (4) minutes while candidates for the other three (3) positions shall be allowed two (2) minutes. After the voting takes place, the results shall be tallied immediately by incumbent Board members not seeking reelection to the Board. The victor shall be announced immediately by the incumbent Board member in the corresponding position. If the incumbent seeks reelection, the Director, an Assistant Director, or another incumbent Board member shall announce the victor. If after the band has been allowed to nominate members for a position from the floor there is only one nominee, a member may call for acclimation of that nominee by a simple unanimous voice vote.
- Run-offs and Drop-downs:
Should more than two (2) candidates vie for the same position, a run-off election between the two (2) candidates with the greatest number of votes shall be held immediately following the first vote, unless one (1) candidate receives a simple majority of votes cast in the first election. Members defeated in a vote for an Executive Board position may choose to “drop down” to run for a different position if the election of that position has not already taken place. However, no member may run for more than two (2) positions in a general election. - Absentee Voting:
Absentee votes must be signed and delivered to the Director prior to elections. Absentee votes shall count towards a candidate in a runoff election. Once a candidate is defeated, an absentee vote for that candidate is no longer valid should that candidate drop down to run for a second Board position. - AAssumption of, Resignation from, and Removal from Office: Board members shall take office on January 1st of the following year and shall serve a term of one (1) calendar year. Should an elected Board member resign their position, a special election adhering to the above-stated rules shall be held soon thereafter to fill the vacated office. A Board member shall be subject to removal from office during a general meeting (rehearsal) by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members eligible to vote, a quorum of at least one-half (1/2) of those eligible individuals being present for the vote, with the intention of voting on removal of the officer in question announced by a member to the band at least one (1) week in advance. A replacement shall be elected at a special election adhering to the above-stated rules as soon after the removal as possible.
Section B: The Council
- Composition:
The Council shall minimally be comprised of the following appointed officers: an Equipment Manager, a Travel Manager, and a Section Leaders for each section of the Band. The Executive Board may eliminate or create and fill additional Council positions as it deems appropriate. These additional positions shall be categorized as Managers and/or Chairs . More than one (1) person may fill each position. The Council shall be comprised additionally of the Drum Major(s), the Assistant Drum Major(s) (if applicable), and the Executive Board itself. - Eligibility:
All members of the Council shall be current members of the Band. - Appointment, Selection, and Confirmation Process:
- Managers and Section Leaders:
Managers, Chairs, and Section Leaders shall be appointed by the Executive Board in January. In order to be appointed to these positions, members must submit applications to the Executive Board. Applications shall be provided to any interested member no later than when the Band reconvenes following Winter Break.
- i. Drum Majors shall be selected following the conclusion of the basketball season, no later than the end of the academic year. Auditions for the Drum Major position must be held at an open, publicly announced general meeting (rehearsal). The Director, Assistant Director and incumbent Drum Majors not auditioning shall submit recommendation(s) to the Executive Board, which may choose to accept or reject the recommendation. After rejection, another recommendation shall be submitted adhering to the above-stated rules.
- ii. The Director, Assistant Director and incumbent Drum Majors may choose to submit recommendation(s) for Assistant Drum Majors to assist the Drum Major(s) to the Executive Board, which may choose to accept or reject the recommendation. After rejection, another recommendation may be submitted adhering to the above-stated rules.
- iii. The Director, Assistant Director, Drum Major(s), and Assistant Drum Major(s) may appoint Conducting Assistants as necessary. Conducting Assistant appointments shall not require approval from the Executive Board. Conducting Assistants shall not vote on Council and shall not be present at closed Council meetings.
- iv. The Director may remove a Drum Major, Assistant Drum Major, or Conducting Assistant at their discretion. If any of the above are removed, the Director shall coordinate the appointment of a replacement as necessary.
- 3. Assumption of, Removal from, and Resignation from Office:
Council Members shall take office at the meeting immediately following their appointment or confirmed selection and shall serve a term of approximately one (1) year, until the next council takes office. A member of Council not serving on the Executive Board may be subject to removal from office at any time by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Council. A replacement may be either appointed by the Executive Board or by the Director as necessary. A vacancy created by resignation may be replaced in the same fashion.
- Managers and Section Leaders:
Article V: Meetings
Meetings shall be held regularly. Time, location, and frequency of general meetings (rehearsals) shall be determined by the Executive Board. Barring exceptional circumstances, the Band must convene at least weekly during academic periods. Time, location, and frequency of Board meetings shall be determined by the President except that the Board must convene at least twice a month during academic periods. Time, location, and frequency of Council meetings shall be determined by the President and announced at least seven (7) days in advance, except in unforeseen circumstances. The Council must convene at least monthly during academic periods.
Article VI: Amendments
Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed at a general meeting (rehearsal) by a member eligible to vote, the amendment having been submitted to the membership for review one (1) week in advance of the meeting at which it is proposed. Once duly proposed, amendments to the Constitution shall be ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the eligible members voting at the meeting, a quorum of one-half (1/2) being present for the vote.
Article VII: Ratification
This Constitution shall be in effect, superseding all previous Constitutions, when approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the eligible members voting at the meeting, a quorum of one-half (1/2) being present, the motion having been submitted to the membership in writing at least two (2) weeks prior.
Ratified on March 3, 2014; Amended on December 6, 2021