Band Day at Historic Franklin Field

Band Day
with The University of Pennsylvania Band!
Saturday, October 12th, 2024
Penn Football at Franklin Field
In partnership with our colleagues at Penn Athletics, we will once again be hosting “Band Day” here at Penn – a football-based day-long event for local band programs (Grades 7-12). Participating programs are invited to join the University Band at the Penn football game at historic Franklin Field here in Philadelphia on Saturday, October 12th, 2024
Participating Bands will be invited to perform with the Penn Band in the stands and as a massed band during halftime on the field at a televised (ESPN+) college football game.
**Space is limited** To register your band and for more details, please contact Kushol Gupta at kgupta@upenn.edu/267-259-0082
Tentative Schedule
Time | Activity |
9:00 AM | Visiting Programs arrive at 3702 Spruce Street, Platt Student Performing Arts House, Campus of the University of Pennsylvania. Donuts and Juice, Set-up |
9:30 AM – 10:00 AM | Indoor Rehearsal and Welcome with The Penn Band |
10:00 AM | Depart Platt Center for Penn Park with The Penn Band |
10:15AM – 11:30 AM | Rehearse Halftime Show with Penn Band at Penn Park! |
11:30 AM | Penn Band performs for Football Parents and Guests at Penn Park |
12:00 PM | Lunch at Franklin Field (Concession Vouchers) |
12:40 PM | Warm ups on Track |
12:50 PM | Penn Band Pregame Performance |
1:00 PM | Kickoff – Penn Football Game at Franklin Field |
Mass Band Halftime Performance | |
The Toast Toss! | |
Postgame | Depart Franklin Field for Platt Center (~4PM) |
FREE | This offering is provided for FREE for school programs across the region, including Lunch and Music.
Rehearsal and Music | Your bands will be sent music for the halftime performance alongside additional shorts for performance in the stands. Music will be rehearsed together on the morning of the event. Additionally, a drumline cadence will be sent for the massed drumlines.
Performance | Your bands will be invited to join us to perform in the stands and together with us at halftime. We will invite participating groups to help in the stands by performing some of their own stand music as well! It is your choice as to whether you remain at the game after halftime, but you are all welcome to stay or leave at your convenience after the performance.
Uniforms | Programs are invited to don their respective school uniforms and colors. Changing areas will be limited; we’d suggest they arrive in uniform for the day.
Auxiliary/Color Guard | Auxiliaries performers are asked to bring a standard flag or rifle for use in the show. Video of suggested choreography will be provided, although each program is welcome to create their own as well as a unit.
Drum Majors | Tell your Drum Majors to bring their whistles, as they will assist in conducting the large ensemble on the field and in the stands!
Storage of Cases/Property | Given the number of participants, we cannot provide a secure area for the storage of cases and other unneeded equipment, so please plan to leave all items behind on your buses or in your equipment trucks.
Food | Lunch with the Penn Band will be provided, gratis! Please inform Dr. Gupta of any special dietary needs or restrictions.
Bus Parking | Will be provided; more details to follow.
Photo/Video Waivers and Gate List | All participants will be asked to provide a completed photo wavier by the morning of the event. A roster listing all participants including staff and chaperones will be requested the week of the event.
Chaperones/Staff | We’ll be able to provide one free admission for staff and chaperones for every 10 participants in your group.
Group Tickets | Family and friends wishing to attend the performance are encouraged to purchase tickets for the game in advance at pennathletics.com, via a group discount link, to be provided.
What to Bring | Music Lyres and Water bottles are strongly encouraged! If not band uniform, students are encouraged to wear their school colors/apparel.
Questions? Directors should contact Kushol Gupta (kgupta@upenn.edu | 267-259-0082)